The film "Dream Family" is the result of Byrnes venture into creating a cult of her own.
"Dream Family" was made as a final project during Byrnes studies at the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. The film is also the result of Byrnes venture into creating a cult of her own. Heavily influenced by occult imagery, and with an unhealthy interest in new religious movements, primarily of the 1960 ́s, Byrne put together a group of five women. These women were not entirely aware that Byrne was creating a cult. Byrne committed to sewing robes and other ritual garments for the five women, as well as choreographing rituals which the women acted out. Byrne wrote and composed music that the women sang. She gave them new names – each corresponding with a color. Thus the women became Black Dream, Red Dream, Blue Dream, Green Dream and Yellow Dream.
Utställningsplats: Apotekshuset - konst & kultur, Sollefteå